Monday, August 17, 2015

Why learn Options?

In Stock Markets Futures and Options are wonderful instruments created for trading. These are leveraged instruments. They allow us to buy more more quantity in very leass money. Say Shares worth Rs 500000 can be bought by paying aroud 15% i.e. 75000/-.

Among Futrues & Options- Options is a more intelligent instrument. It has power to double the money in single day. Some options grow by 200-300% in one day. It can be used by conservative as well aggressive traders. Conservative traders can use options with hedged strategies to generate consistent income with very low risk. Trading in Options when done on long side requires very small investment ranging from 2000-10000. However it is more intelligent to sell Options.

Trading in Options can be done in any market conditions like Fast rising markets, slow rising markets, fast falling markets, slow falling markets and most importantly stagnant or rangebound markets. Believe me, I have seen many traders in my life who list money trading shares or Futures but when they learnt Options and its strategies they have gradually started earning regular income from stock markets.

However Options are somewhat complicated till we understand them and their strategies.

Many traders feel why to spend money on learning/training when there is lot of information available on net. My question is how many of us have time to read that information? Moreover it is available in bits and pieces. It can not be replaced by practicals that students do in Classroom training. I offer training in Options. The training is designed in such a way that Options can be used practically for trading after some practise in the form of paper trades.

Every trader is not same. Every tradrer's trading requirements are different. Trading plan can be created usinng Options for every type of tradrer i.e. conservative, aggressive and moderate. Options can be used by traders having low investments and for those who trade with huge investments.

Our next Option batch details are: This is classroom training batch.

Note-Shortly we are comin up with an online training. If you do not stay in or around Nashik and still want to attend my training, please wait for sometime. In the meanwhile drop your details in the comment section below.

Date: 22nd and 23rd August
Time: 9.30 am to 5 pm
Fees: Rs 7000/-
Free Subscription to my advisory Products worth Rs 5000/- for one month Physical copy of Courseware included Lunch/Tea on both days.
Free active support for next 3 months for preparing trading plans, checking the paper trades etc.
Lifetime support comes obviously.

You can deposit amount in my Bank account:

Bank Details: HDFC Bank
Branch: Nirala Bazar, Auranagabad
Acct No: 08261050005345
Type: Saving
Name: Unmesh Deshmukh

For any queries you can call my collegue Siddharth on +919923515999

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